Well it's been a good 22 years, and as they say, chart your future through the past -they referring to my imagination or something i picked up from a ben stiller movie-
Now, having spent the last 2 1/2 years of my life learning about mortality rates, taking into account the current life expectancy of the average malaysian male (72.5 years) lifespan, advances in modern medicine, standard of living, health status, and barring any unforseen accidents which might cause sudden death-eg buying a gisbon les paul and starving to death after that- , i predict that i will live till the ripe old age of 88, hence the title for the post.
So here's some of the things that i always wanted to do/dreamt of:
1. Do something weird : Well i study actuarial science. Can't get weirder than that.
2. Keep long hair: *note picture above* done
3. Study overseas: London baby yeah!
4. Become a rock guitarist: Failed. Miserably.
5. Go back to sabah: Done. Went up kinabalu. And nearly died of food poisoning at the same time.
6. Buy myself an expensive guitar: Got 2. Hehe. And pedals too!!
7. Buy my dad a ferrari: Sorry pa, i was 4 years old when i made that promise =p
8. Watch an arsenal match at the stadium: Arsenal-Porto!!
9. Become Dictator...er i mean prime minister of Malaysia: errr thinking about it.
Apart from the above, I got to do a few other things as well that i didnt expect:
1. Tour Europe
2. Found a long lost brother.
3. Be a long lost brother.
4. Watch Tommy Emmanuel live in concert (And Steve Vai this april!!! YEAHH!)
5. Make a guitar recording of Eric Clapton's Layla unplugged that rival's William Hung's rendition of Ricky Martin's "She Bangs". (note to long lost brother: again, waiiii??)
6. Live in a ghetto - both in london and in Malaysia.
7. Scout Oxford Street for hot chicks..i mean shopping bargains.
So having achieved 6 out of the 9 items intended above, and a whole host of other random stuff, its time to move and, and of course set new 22 year plan. So here are some of the things that I hope to achieve when I'm 44.
1. Become dicta.. prime minister of malaysia: See now i'm making it no1 on the list.
2. Be able to play guitar good enough so that i don't cringe and die when i hear my own playing.
3. Play Tender Surrender. (and also layla, of course. heh :P)
4. Get married to lovely wife, have 3/4 kids, quit my actuarial science job and move back to melaka.
5. Become a teacher (if i fail to be pm of malaysia that is)
6. Become a rock star (if 1, 4 and 5 fails)
7. Not play anymore computer games/watch japanese anime (why do i even bother).
8. Buy a gibson les paul.
That's about it. I'll get back here when i'm 44 and see how things went. Till then.
*jiggle jiggle wobble*
"7. Not play anymore computer games/watch japanese anime (why do i even bother)."
we r about to re-start cs after exams.. this time playin wif 2nd yrs.. making a comeback with yr grenades?
Hmmm... the format of this blog entry seems awfully familiar. *cough*
...okay, so maybe I don't have a pic of myself gorging on food. Gotta get me one of those.
enoch: tbh, the idea for this post came up before i read yours. just that i decided to follow after reading yours :P (further strengthening the long lost brother claim)
gerrard: if i make a comeback i will take all the kills and u wont like that (esp all the friendly fire ones :D)
one thing for sure is, you WILL NEVER give up your pc games and jap anime. 2nd, put another photo la wei... u look super cina beng... ah beng wanna be. ish... how 2 get wife with that photo?!
Can find, can find ... ah beng photo will attract snappy cina auntie-type (even though still young). The type that yells in a shrill high-pitched voice, nags while wielding kitchen utensils violently, and plays mahjong with ruthless efficiency. He won't get any money to buy guitar stuff, that's for sure - all spent playing mahjong and shopping at Eu Yan Sang.
... maybe you should change that photo after all, bro. Can't be a rock star with an auntie-type wife.
Maybe thats why all the rock stars are always on some world tour... hehe. running away from the wife at home.
some of the 2nd years oso wann join us mah.. better than wow though...
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