Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pressure untold

Just when I thought I was granted temporary respite from the troubles of life, it came in the most unexpected way possible. I was chatting with one of the aunties from my hometown church in Melaka (yes really. aunties these days are incredibly funky, they use Yahoo! Messenger with Voice!) and she was pestering me on whether I had a girlfriend or not (its an annual event, everytime I go back for the summer, chinese new year, whatever social functions -_-").

I duly obliged her with a picture of *OMGHOTCHIXXOR* Jessica Alba *faints*

I don't know whether she bought it - at the point of writing she seemed to have - she has been asking whether its my uni mate, where i met her, where I take her out for dates...etc.

Yeah I wish ><

Aiyoh. Super funny lah talking to aunties. ON MSN. What's wrong with the world today.

*continues fending off aunty's questions*

Life's tough.


Anonymous said...

The right girl hasn't come along, huh? Kepoh aunties should really mind their own business.

daniel lee said...

Hahaha. No lah I don't mind them asking. I find it quite hilarious actually =P And I get to pretend Jessica Alba is my gf :D