Wednesday, April 27, 2005

When life was good.....

Seems like an eternity ago when we had our eurotrip. This was taken in a park in luxembourg. When life was free and there was nothing to worry about.

Man i hate exams. Especially when i'm not prepared for them. And theres money at stake. Lots of it.

Hope dangles on a string.


Anonymous said...


have a coffee. feel better? count days to exams with fingers (yes, there's enough!)

have another cuppa.

I'm not the chipmunk said...

just like me, you need a chill pill.

It can cure from brain to legs, so try it!

daniel lee said...

alvin: my goodness look at that ugly thing sitting there in red!!! how did he get in the picture?? dang these attention deprived people!

alvinthechipmunk:chilling's been cold lately

anonymous squirrel: u'll suffer from caffeine overdose one day. don't say i didnt warn ya