Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Don't let go

When I lose sight of what's important and long for the here and now
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When I am overcome with fear at the sight of things unseen
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When doubt overcomes faith in the face of mountains
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When I am full of discontent and in need of quiet
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When I am in my moment of weakness and in need of strength
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When I slip and fall down and hurt myself
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When I turn my back on You and push You away
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When I say "I trust You" and jump into Your river with faith, anticipation and trembling
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

When everything around is beautiful and is as it should be
And I am happy
Dear Lord, hold my hand
Hold my hand

Don't let me go.

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