Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A matter of Choice.

George, my housemate, trying hard to inflate an inflatable mattress without a pump. I know he plays a clarinet but this is pushing it.

Over the past few days i've been staring hard at the accumulating pile of work that sits on my table. Well, not that it all sits on my table -in fact not enough space - its just a figure of speech-lah! But anyway i continued staring hard at it for some time. Nothing happened. Dang. Was hoping it will magically go down.

Now to put some of the things i have to do into perspective:

  1. Prepare for this friday's prob and stats test.
  2. Prepare songs for tmr's CU meeting.
  3. Read and research actuarial planning and control presentation.
  4. Study contingencies.
  5. Do contingencies corpsework.
  6. Find out dateline of contingencies corpsework or be a corpse.
  7. Do prob and stats 2 lab sheet 7 & 8.
  8. Do prob and stats 2 corpsework
  9. Look through mistakes made in previous prob and stats assignment.
  10. Study financial reporting - corpsework come soon.
  11. Study FFR - there should be another corpsework coming too.
  12. Get some sleep.
  13. Get that new guitar.
  14. Get a life.
You see with the unending list - i bet there are more that i havent found out/remembered about - means that i'll perpetually be busy. When i complete all those there's bound to be more things that need to be done.

So i make a choice. I choose not to be busy. I'll make myself free to do the stuff I WANT TO do. Which of course in no way justifies that 6 hours spent in Apu's place playing PES5 and ending up missing church meeting at night.

But then hey. Back to work i guess.

busy people everywhere. haha....

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